Acute Pharyngitis inChildren part I

Sunday, June 6, 2010

a. Definition

Acute pharyngitis is an inflammation of mucous membranes and other structures surrounding the pharynx (tonsillitis, nasofaringitis and tonsilofaringitis) which lasted up to 14 days. Because the location is very close to the nose and tonsils, local infection only rarely occurs pharynx or tonsils. Infection in the pharynx and surrounding areas marked throat pain. The disease is rare in children under the age of one year. Incidence increases with age, reaching a peak at the age of 4-7 years, and continues into adulthood.

b. Etiology

Etiologic virus is most acute pharyngitis, particularly in children aged 3 years. -Hemolytic streptococcus group A is a bacterium that causes most cover approximately 15-30% of the causes of acute pharyngitis in children. Arcobakterium hemolyticum mycoplasmal and can also cause pharyngitis.

c. Clinical manifestations

Typical symptoms such as sore throat with a sudden initial attack, dysphagia and fever. Symptoms for viral pharyngitis include fever, malaise, anorexia with a sore throat is, hoarse voice, cough, conjunctivitis and rinore. For streptococcal pharyngitis, acute symptoms are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pharyngeal hiperemis, fever, sore throat, swollen tonsils with eksudasi, anterior cervical lymph nodes were swollen and painful, swollen and red uvula, nasal eksoriasi accompanied by secondary lesions of impetigo, scarlet fever rash, petekie palate mole. There is inflammation of the pharynx and enlarged adenoid and tonsils, sometimes very large adenoid causing obstruction in the nose. Sometimes spots and colored eksudasi obtained on the surface of the tonsils accompanied by enlargement of glands in the neck. Often some patients with cough, without coriza. Common symptoms of the syndrome pharyngeal chills, malaise, pain / aches throughout the body, headache and sometimes raspy voice.


Biaxin at: November 3, 2010 at 3:04 PM said...

Have you tried treat pharyngitis with biaxin?

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