VERTIGO part 2

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Vertigo physiologic is vertigo which caused by stimulations from environment, without vestibular, vision and somatosensoric dissorder.
  1. Motion Sickness (induced by unfamilliar body accelerations or intersensory mismatch accentuated by fear or insecure)
  2. Space Sickness (balance dissorder between semicircularis canal and otholit
  3. Height Vertigo (subjectiv instability of postural balance and locomotoric induced by visual)
  4. Optokinetic motion sickness (visual moving without vestibular or somatosensoric sign about move)
  5. Arthrokinetic vertigo (ilussion that body is spinning if the extremities (pelvic and sholuder) rotated pasivly)
  6. Auditori vertigo
  7. Alternobarik vertigo (caused by eustachii tube closed/obstructed

  1. Vestibulum
  2. NC VIII
  3. Brainstem reticulum
  4. Tabes Dorsalis
  5. Imagination
  6. Generalized illness
  7. Ophtalmic desease

Lets talk about vertigo pathlogic
1. Vestibulum
  • Vestibular Neuritis (acut, nausea and vomit, 30-40 years old, without hearing loss, rotational vertigo, spontan nystagmus which ocular moving to contralateral from lession
  • Viral labyrinthitis (like vestibular neuritis, 50% with hearing loss)
  • Bacterial labyrinthitis
  • Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (caused by herpes zoster oticus, nerve VII perifer paralised, pain in ear, and vesicel in meatus acusticus eksternus
  • Menierre Syndrome
  • Post traumatic vertigo
  • BPPV
2. NC VIII, common is acoustic neurinoma
3. Brain stem reticulum (caused by vascular dissorder, vertigo, disartria, parestesi, hemiparese, tetraparese, pain in occipital lobus)
4. Tabes Dorsalis (defect on vertebra columna inmyelum which cause deep sensibility. patient often fall down in midnight.
5. Imagination (psychogenic)
6. Generalized illness (anemia, infection, uremia)
7. Ophtalmic desease (caused anomali refraction, astigmatism, post op catharact

  1. check heart rate
  2. carotic pulse
  3. auscultation aorta bruit
  4. grasp and sucking refleks
  5. Quix test
  6. Romberg test
  7. tandem walking

  1. ortotastic hipotesion (measuring blood pressure while patient lying and 3 minutes after stand up)
  2. Valsava manouver
  3. Barany rotation
  4. Caloric test


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